Shadow Puppet Opera & The Global Cello

Shadow Puppet Opera & The Global Cello
April 12 @ 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm

Come celebrate the Thai New Year with us!!
Saw Peep Pan-Asian Ensemble presents “Hanuman Chases Suvannamaccha” – a Shadow Puppet Opera.
Telling one of the episodes of the Ramakien and Phra Lak Phra Lam (which are the Thai/Lao versions of the Indian epic, Ramayana) through a hybridized form Nang Pramothai, the shadow puppet theater of the Isaan region of Northwest Thailand and Laos. Projections by Roxell Karr of Camera Lucida.
Opening the show will be The Global Cello, a recital series focusing on a diverse and global cello repertoire. WOrks by composers of Southeast Asia, and Southeast Asian descent will be performed by Jon Silpayamanant, artistic director of Saw Peep Pan-Asian Ensemble. Works by Chinary Ung, Nichagarn Chiracharasporn, Jon Silpayamanant, and others!
Other details tba